Các loại giải pháp phần mềm ERP tại Việt Nam hiện nay
Types of ERP software solutions in Vietnam today
22 January, 2024 bởi
Phạm Thị Thúy
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Types of ERP software solutions in Vietnam today

Currently, in Vietnam, there are many popular types of ERP software solutions. This system is designed according to business characteristics, mechanisms, and Vietnamese laws, easy to upgrade, maintain, customize and expand the system. In addition, there are packaged ERP software and on-demand ERP software, suitable for each industry, sector and business. However, to choose the right ERP solution, businesses need to thoroughly understand the advantages and limitations of each type of solution to make the right decision. In this article,

1. ERP software from abroad
ERP solutions from abroad have gradually become popular in Vietnam. Through partners in Vietnam, businesses can implement solutions. There are some advantages/disadvantages of foreign ERP as follows:


ERP solutions from the world's leading technology companies and corporations, experienced, intelligent systems.

The system follows international standards, operates stably.


Some features are not suitable for Vietnamese business characteristics, such as accounting modules, leading to incompatibility and disconnection with the Vietnamese accounting system.

Limited customization and scalability: Software from abroad is often built by the supplier according to strict standards, when coming to Vietnam, it is often difficult to customize the software to suit business characteristics. To do this, businesses need a professional system management technical team and must innovate business operating processes.

High implementation costs: A large investment is required for foreign ERP solutions. Most SMEs cannot afford to invest in this solution. Moreover, related costs such as consulting, restructuring, maintenance, modification,... quite a lot.

2. ERP Software Vietnam​

ERP developed by Vietnamese software companies has also been very popular. And of course, every system has its own advantages and disadvantages.


Standard design system according to business characteristics, mechanisms and laws of Vietnam

The upgrade, maintenance, customization, expansion of the system is simpler

Lower investment cost compared to foreign

Process standardization is not high: Many software providers do not have the ability to design and link software with business operating processes, leading to frequent system modifications and upgrades.

Professionalism: Not all vendors have the capacity and experience to implement ERP appropriately and successfully. Therefore, businesses need to choose reputable suppliers.

Factors to consider when choosing an ERP solution
There is no universal answer to the question of whether to use Vietnamese ERP software or foreign ERP software. The decision must be based on a careful assessment of various factors, enterprises should learn and consider carefully based on the following criteria:

ERP systems have features that align with management goals

The system is suitable for the investment budget

Assess scalability, normative level and suitability to business characteristics

Easy-to-use ERP software

Choose a reputable software provider, good support service and long-term commitment.

Why should Vietnamese businesses use Vietnamese ERP software?
For Vietnamese businesses, they can prioritize considering ERP solutions from Vietnam for the following reasons:

ERP software can provide specific features and capabilities in accordance with business practices, regulations, and local language. This has the potential to simplify implementation and ensure compliance with local requirements.

Vietnamese software vendors may have specialized knowledge and experience catering to specific industries in Vietnam. If your business operates in a niche or has industry-specific requirements, a Vietnamese ERP solution may be better equipped to address those needs.

Using a Vietnamese ERP software provider can bring advantages in terms of local technical support, training resources, and ongoing maintenance. Having access to support services in the same time zone and language can be beneficial for timely problem resolution and effective communication.

Vietnam ERP software can be integrated with other popular systems and software in Vietnam, such as tax software, e-invoicing systems or government reporting platforms. This can streamline data exchange and ensure compatibility with local infrastructure.

Vietnamese ERP software solutions can offer cost advantages over foreign alternatives, especially when considering factors such as license fees, implementation costs, customization, and ongoing support. In addition, it is possible to save costs on transactions in the local currency and avoid possible exchange rate fluctuations.

However, it should be noted that foreign ERP software can also benefit Vietnamese businesses. They typically offer extensive industry experience, cutting-edge functionality, global best practices, and a larger customer base, which can provide valuable insights and drive innovation.

ERPToancau is an ERP implementation unit for many Vietnamese businesses. ERP business management software was born with the purpose of helping businesses apply IT to manage businesses effectively, improve human resources, minimize costs, increase profits.

For companies interested in Business Management Software, please contact MID Vietnam

Address: 16/117 Nguyen Son, Gia Thuy Ward, Long Bien District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Telephone: +(084)943730142
Email: erptoancau@gmail.com
Website: https://erptoancau.com

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